Road Kill!!

road-kill'Road Kill' is a phrase which denote the animals which are accidently killed by the bikers while riding. During the 20th century this road kills became very commonly in many places. A statement states a fact  that, 'the number of animals killed in the US is estimated at a million per day'.

The awareness about Road kill is not only important for saving the animals life. Also for, road kill leads negative costs to the motor vehicles every now and then. Vehicle colloids with some large size animals cause a serious damage to the vehicle and also for riders. It heavily impacts the pleasure of the tourist holidays.

These road kills are happens normally anywhere at anytime. It is crucial, to ride slowly in the road which have lots of animal activity. If you saw a road kill or accidentally if you strike an animal, report the occurrence to the animal control department. It works.

The embroidered patch featured above can be obtained from The Cheap Place. We also offer some Biker accessories , for your Safety Ride!!

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