Embroidered Biker Patches Blog

Angry Bull Large Back Patch

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to encounter an angry bull in an open field? Us to. We don't recommend tempting fate by actually doing it, but you can induce the same feelings of excitement and dread in drivers following behind you with the Angry Bull large back patch from The Cheap Place.

We don't know how you feel about them, but we love back patches. They are the biggest embroidered patches in the biker community, and most of them are pretty spectacular to look at. This one certainly is.

We are most impressed by how different shades of thread give the bull's head definition. It is almost like you can see shadows over the eyes and nose. And then there is the shadow on the left horn. A pair of bright red eyes and brilliant white teeth pull everything together.

A back patch of this size would certainly not go unnoticed. You could make it the only patch on the back of your leathers or complement it with upper and lower rockers. One way or the other, it's bound to get a lot of attention.

Needle and thread are the best way to attach any back patch to a biker vest or jacket. Seeing as how this patch has a black border, use a black thread in a shade as close as possible to the border itself. That way, no one will see your stitching job. We also recommend using the smallest needle you can get away with. A smaller needle will pierce the patch and your vest or jacket more easily, as long as it doesn't bend.

If an angry bull fits your personality, you have just found the perfect back patch. It is time to order one and get it fixed to your vest or jacket.

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That is a Terrible Idea When Do We Start Funny Iron-On Patch

Have you ever had an idea you suspected might be bad but you wanted to try anyway? We have the perfect biker patch for you. Wearing it says you recognize a bad idea when you see one. No, wait. The patch talks about a terrible idea. It matters not to you. You are ready to get started.

Just do yourself a favor and don't do anything the rest of us wouldn't do. Otherwise, you're going to need an entirely different biker patch to explain away whatever you did. Do that too many times and you may need to buy an entire biker patch store just to make sense of it all.

All kidding aside, this is one of those funny biker patches bound to get a chuckle out of most people. We've all done stupid things. We have all embraced terrible ideas despite knowing full well just how bad they were. It is part of being human.

We think this might be one of those funny biker patches people wear just because they can. They can admit to doing stupid things without having to be ashamed about it. And why not? If we can't laugh at ourselves, then we've got more serious problems than we realize.

At any rate, this patch measures 4 x 1.5 inches. It is small enough to fit nicely over a breast pocket or on the front of a baseball cap. You might get creative and sew it to your leather chaps, a pair of jeans, a knit cap, or even the back of one of your leather gloves. Put it wherever it suits you best.

And if someone tells you that your chosen location is a terrible idea, you've made your point. That's the way you role.

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Ringmaster of the Shitshow Funny Iron-On Patch

Now here's a biker patch that could go either way. Being ringmaster of the shitshow could be good if you happen to love the world around you. If you havereservations about what you see and hear, being the ringmaster may not be such a good occupation. You decide for yourself.

This is one of those funny iron-on biker patches that gets lots of laughs. It starts a lot of conversations, too. Just imagine how many people will see it on your leathers and instantly want to stop and commiserate with you about everything that's going on in the world. The temptation is almost too much to resist.

As with all our biker patches, the Ringmaster of the Shitshow patch features high quality embroidery and top-of-the-line materials. You are getting a high-quality product at a pretty low price. There is nothing wrong with that. In fact, it is getting hard to find good quality these days. But that is a different post entirely.

For now, what you need to know is that this biker patch belongs on your person. So buy one and sew it to whatever piece of biker clothing you think it fits with best. Then wear it proudly. As the ringmaster, you will demand the attention of an audience wherever you go. Just make sure you make the show worth their while.

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Classy Bitch Patch

Some biker patches are like power tools: you never know whether they make appropriate gifts. But take a chance. If you would consider the love of your life a classy bitch, this is the perfect biker patch to express your feelings. Just be absolutely sure before you give it. And buy a backup gift, just in case.

The Classy Bitch patch has almost a retro look to it. Its oval shape sort of reminds you of a famous car company's logo, doesn't it? The lettering looks like something out of the late 1940s or early 50s – almost an Art Deco font updated for modern tastes.

As for the design, it is perfect. The script font makes the lettering look like it was written by someone rather than embroidered by a machine. White lettering on a black background is always easy to see, and the fact that this particular patch measures 3.5 x 1.5 inches makes it the perfect size.

If you're bold enough to wear this patch yourself, you need no explanation. You are what you are, and you are proud of it. If people need to ask why you're wearing this biker patch, they probably don't know you very well. Those who do will just nod, smile, and acknowledge.

Despite being on the smaller size, we still recommend against applying this biker patch with a hot iron. You are always better sewing patches on with needle and thread. Sewing them on guarantees they stay in place for as long as you want them to. And if you go around the entire border with a tight stitch, you prevent a patch's edges from curling up.

If you like this one, take a look at the rest of our inventory. We have tons of biker patches to fit every personality and mood.

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Spoiled Patch

What are biker patches if not tools that bikers can use to express their thoughts without having to utter a word. Biker patches can be funny, crude, or sobering. They can speak the truth or crack a joke. The possibilities are endless.

What can we say about theSpoiled patch that it doesn't say itself? It measures 3.5 x 1.5 inches and boasts bright pink lettering against a black background. And unlike similar patches designed as perfect rectangles, the border of this patch stays true to the lettering. It is pretty unique as far as biker patches go.

Although anyone could buy this patch, the fact that it's pink indicates its intended audience is very specific. We'll let you determine who that audience is. At any rate, you can buy it for yourself or give it as a gift to that special biker or passenger in your life. It says the same thing either way.

It is ironic that telling people you are spoiled is really self-fulfilling. You wouldn't tell people that unless you really were. At least that's our opinion. And even if you didn't know you were spoiled, liking this patch well enough to sew it to your leathers pretty much clears up any questions.

As for sewing it to your jacket or vest, we recommend either black or pink thread. Black thread along the outside edge should disappear nicely. With a good sewing job, you'll never see it. Go with pink and the thread will add an extra bit of accent all the way around. That would look pretty cool.

One way or the other, the Spoiled patch belongs in your possession if it matches your personality. Take advantage of who you are and ask your favorite biker to buy it for you. After all, you deserve it.

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Bad Decisions Make Good Stories Funny Iron-On Patch

We all make bad decisions, right? Like that time you climbed up the flag pole at the major tourist destination. Later on, after you were charged with trespassing, you made the excuse that you only did it because your friend told you to. Ah… memories. Those were good times, weren't they?

Let's face it, bad decisions are part of life. Some of them are so bad that they haunt us for the rest of our lives. But others, not so much. They are bad at the time, but they also make for great stories we can look back on and laugh at. That being the case, we have a funny biker patch commemorating every bad decision you've ever made.

The Bad Decisions Make Good Stories funny iron-on patch tells it like it is. It's part admission that you've done some dumb things in your life and part admission that you know how to laugh at yourself. Truth be told, this is one biker patch all of us could display proudly and always be telling the truth. You'd be lying if you said that you never made bad decisions, or that none of your bad decisions ended up in funny stories.

As always, we recommend using needle and thread no matter where you decide to display this patch. Whether you choose the breast pocket of your denim vest, your favorite pair of jeans, a casual shirt, or your leather jacket, needle and thread is the best way to keep it secure for as long as you own that article of clothing.

If you are going with leather, we recommend using the smallest diameter needle capable of penetrating the leather without bending. Smaller diameter needles are easier to work with when you're sewing on biker patches.

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I Am Who I Am Your Approval Is Not Needed Iron-On Morale Patch

If there is one group of people that doesn't seek the approval of others, it's bikers. Since its inception, the biker culture has been 100% about independence and freedom. Bikers do what they want when they want to do it. It's only fitting that they should appreciate this small biker patch that says, "I am who I am, your approval is not needed."

There are succinct messages, and then there are those that go beyond succinct. This one is probably in the latter category. Why? Because it doesn't just state the fact that you are who you are. It says so with a bit of ‘in your face' attitude. That's perfect for bikers.

As a biker yourself, you don't need anyone's approval to live the life you want to live. You owe no one an apology for loving the freedom of the road on the back of your bike. If the entire world gave up internal combustion engines to return to horses and buggies, and left you alone with your bike, it wouldn’t matter.

We feel like this particular biker patch could be the universal biker patch sold with every new bike purchased in the USA. Imagine that. Buy a new Harley or Indian and get a ‘I Am Who I Am Your Approval Is Not Needed’ iron-on morale patch for the vest or jacket.

Speaking of vests or jackets, plan to use needle and thread to attach this biker patch. Always remember that hot irons are dangerous to leather. Needles, not so much. Not only that but sewing the patch all the way around its perimeter will keep the edges flat. You won't get any curl ups is long as you sew over the edge of the patch.

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Three Crosses Christian Patch

Harley-Davidsons, leathers, and biker patches don't belong only to clubs like the Hell's Angels and Satan's Slaves. Not all bikers are atheistic or religiously agnostic, either. Some are very religious, including a large number of bikers who consider themselves Christians. In fact, Christian biker clubs are pretty popular in this country.

We suspect the Three Crosses Christian patch is probably the type of patch more religious bikers would prefer. It is a pretty cool patch despite a very basic design. It features three crosses, perched on a hillside, against a jet-black background. If you're not sure why three crosses are represented, it goes back to the description of Jesus' crucifixion in the Christian Bible.

According to the Gospels, Jesus was crucified with two thieves – one on either side of him. The Three Crosses Christian patch reflects this account. The center cross is a representation of Jesus while the smaller crosses on either side refer to the two thieves.

Christian bikers probably don't need an explanation for this patch. The story is pretty commonly known. For nonbelievers though, it is a different story. So much so that the patch is a great conversation starter among Christian bikers who do their best to spread the message as they ride.

Unlike most of the rest of our small biker patches, this one is closer to a square than a rectangle. It measures 2.25 x 2 5 inches. It would fit well on the shoulder of a jacket or vest. On the sleeve, just below the shoulder, would be another ideal spot. It might even work well next to a back patch with a similar Christian theme. At any rate, buying one means getting a high-quality patch that should continue to look good for years to come. Just make sure you sew it in place.

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Never Underestimate the Power of a Woman That Can Ride a Motorcycle Lady Biker Patch

Ask the average guy on the street to describe the typical biker and you are likely to hear about a big, burly man with a long beard, plenty of tattoos, and a few extra pounds. What you're not likely to here is the description of a woman. For whatever reasons, we don't tend to think of bikers and women in the same realm.

Well, we have a small biker patch that addresses this very dichotomy. It is a 4 x 1.5-inch patch displaying its message loudly and clearly with white block lettering on a back background. It states: Never Underestimate the Power of a Woman That Can Ride a Motorcycle. Is any further explanation required?

Anyone capable of handling a top-of-the-line Harley is tough as nails, regardless of sex. So why would anyone underestimate a female biker? If she hasthe goods, she hasthe goods. She can open up that throttle and ride with the best of them. For a lot of biker guys, that's even a turn-on. If they can't date a biker, they won't date anyone at all.

So what about this patch? Where do you mount it? Your first choice might be a vest or jacket. You can sew it to leather, denim, or any other material that floats your boat. Sew it to the front of your jacket, above the right or left breast. Or put it on the back, just underneath your back patch.

If that doesn't work for you, try the back pocket of a pair of jeans. Sew it to a work shirt, a baseball cap, or even your leather saddlebags. There is no right or wrong location. The key is to find a location that everyone is going to see.

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Loud Pipes Save Lives Biker Patch

Nothing quite beats the sound of a Harley with a purring engine and loud pipes. In fact, the louder the pipes, the better for bikers. As this biker patch says, "loud pipes save lives." It is one of the fundamental truths of riding a motorcycle in traffic.

It's true that loud pipes annoy some people. But hey, you can't make everyone happy. Loud pipes are like gold to bikers because the noise they generate makes it easier for other motorists to know they are around. And given how difficult it can be to see a motorcycle in traffic, anything a biker can do to make themself known is a good idea. Thus, the loud pipes.

So, do you own a bike? And if you do, how loud are your pipes? Whether they are as loud as you want them or not, let the world know how you feel about loud pipes by affixing this patch to your jacket or vest. It measures just 4 x 1.75 inches so it will fit just about anywhere you have an open piece of fabric. The white-on-black color scheme offers the kind of contrast you need to guarantee other people will see it.

The Loud Pipes Save Lives biker patch features 100% Rayon thread, a twill fabric base, and a durable plastic backing. Although the backing also has a heat-activated glue, we recommend against trying to glue the patch to leather. The glue and hot iron can potentially damage leather, so you're better off sewing the patch in place instead. Use the thinnest gauge needle you can – it will make sewing easier.

Loud pipes really do save lives. By making a lot of noise, you make other drivers around you aware. Remember that next time someone complains about how loud your bike is.

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