Embroidered Biker Patches Blog

In Memoriam Folded Flag Patch

Every now and again we run across a biker patch possessing a deeper meaning few people understand. The In Memoriam Folded Flag patch is one of them. On the surface, it looks like little more than a biker patch designed to mimic a folded American flag. But to those who understand the symbolism behind how we fold our flag, it means so much more.

The phrase ‘in memoriam’ means ‘in memory of’. It is almost always used in relation to epitaphs. That's why you see it so often engraved on tombstones. So how does it apply to this biker patch?

The coffins of fallen soldiers are draped with American flags during transport from funeral home to grave site. Just prior to burial, the flag is removed and folded. It is then given to the fallen soldier's family as a tribute to that soldier's life and service.

What you might not know is that each of the thirteen folds that go into the proper folding of the American flag mean something. Without getting into all the details here, the third fold represents honor and remembrance of the fallen soldier. It honors soldiers regardless of how they died – whether during active combat or otherwise – because all have given at least a portion of their lives to military service.

To the family members of a fallen soldier, the folded flag represents honor and respect. It represents the genuine appreciation of the entire military family for that soldier's service.

As a biker, you may feel an obligation to show your own honor and respect to our military. Fortunately, biker patch manufacturers make all sorts of patches that do a fantastic job of conveying that message. The In Memoriam Folded Flag patch is just one of them. Feel free to buy one and wear it with pride.

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Freedom Ain't Free – In Memory of Our Fallen Boot Rifle Helmet Patriotic Iron-On Patch

Freedom is an important commodity none of us should take for granted. It is also not free. A people must always fight for its freedom for the simple fact that tyranny waits just around the corner. Throughout the years, the men and women who have served in the U.S. military have known this truth all too well.

Many of them have fallen in the line of duty. They have made the ultimate sacrifice. The Freedom Ain't Free – In Memory of Our Fallen iron on patch is dedicated to them. Wearing it is a way to honor them – and our memories of them – in a public way. We encourage you to buy this biker patch and proudly display it on your leathers or denim jacket.

At center are the silhouettes of a soldier's boot, rifle, and helmet. Though reminiscent of WWI, the imagery easily applies to any period of active combat duty our soldiers have faced. Their love of America and its flag is displayed on the patch via a stars and stripes background. Around the perimeter of the patch is white lettering reminding us to remember those who have fallen and ever be vigilant about the fact that freedom isn't free.

Most of our other smaller patches are rectangular in shape. This one being circular, it's bound to stand out on your jacket or vest. For extra effect, affix it to the left breast where it will be closest to your heart. You will be reminded of the fallen soldier's sacrifice every time you look down and see it.

The Freedom Ain't Free – In Memory of Our Fallen iron-on patch is a high-quality piece that deserves a place alongside all the rest of your biker patches.

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I Am a Veteran My Oath of Enlistment Has No Expiration Date National Defense Ribbon Patch

Here at The Cheap Place, we offer a wide variety of biker patches designed to honor veterans. This particular patch, the I Am A Veteran My Oath Of Enlistment Has No Expiration Date patch goes above and beyond to explain what many a U.S. veteran thinks about military service. It is one thing to take an oath at the start of enlistment. It's another thing entirely to hold on to that oath even after being honorably discharged.

The message is pretty clear here. It states that the veteran’s oath of enlistment never expires. Even though a soldier is honorably discharged, they still feel a commitment to defend the United States against all enemies both foreign and domestic. That says something about a soldier’s integrity.

Whether you are a veteran or the family member of one, this biker patch is ideal as a way of showing honor to those who serve this nation in the military. It is a smaller patch at just 4 x 2 inches, so it's just the right size to attach to your biker jacket or vest, over the left or right breast. You can sew it to a denim jacket, a work shirt, a baseball cap, or anywhere you have a bit of open fabric.

A black background highlights white text in block letters along with a red, yellow, and black ribbon. Despite its small size, the design makes the message on this patch easy to see and read. There won't be any confusion about what it says.

Our hats are off to all the brave men and women who have defended the United States over the years. They take their oaths seriously, as this patch so clearly demonstrates.

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Warning, I Will More Than Likely Offend You at Some Point Funny Iron-On Patch

There are some biker patches that say things most of us are thinking. This patch is one of them. It says, "Warning, I will more than likely offend you at some point." You know you think it all the time.

Modern society is home to a small group of people who are perpetually offended. They seem like a large group because they are so vocal. But in reality, they are not the majority. Most of us wear our big boy pants and let things roll off our backs.

Speaking of rolling off the back, the I Will More Than Likely Offend You patch only measures 4 x 1.5 inches. This is to say that it will be overwhelmed by the back patch on your biker jacket or vest. If you want to put other patches on the back, you are better off with upper and lower rockers.

Smaller patches like this one are better suited for the front of your jacket or vest. Anywhere on the breast area works well. If you havepockets, just above one pocket or the other is ideal.

We have also seen bikers who prefer denim jackets and vests in warm weather. We've seen them sew the smaller patches on to the collars. It's a unique location, but it works. Anywhere you can mount this patch so that people can see and read it gets the job done.

Chances are you are not part of the perpetually offended crowd. To avoid any future offense with this patch, set down the iron and pull out the needle and thread instead. Sewing around the entire perimeter of the patch will keep it secure and simultaneously prevent the edges from curling up. We suspect that's what you're after.

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I'm Your Huckleberry Black & White Iron-On Novelty Patch

The phrase, 'I'm your Huckleberry' means different things to different people. No one is exactly sure of its origins. Some say it goes back to Mark Twain's Tom Sawyer while others think of the film Tombstone. Nonetheless, the first recorded use of the phrase dates back some 170 years.

We sell a number of biker patches capitalizing on the phrase, including the I'm Your Huckleberry Black & White iron-on novelty patch. You will notice this patch is a circular patch with crossed six shooters at dead center. No doubt this is a reference to Tombstone and the whole Wyatt Earp story.

That being the case, saying "I'm your Huckleberry" in this context is pretty much a challenge. In the two times it is uttered in the Tombstone film, it's a challenge to a gunfight. If you've seen the film, you know how both gunfights end. If not, there will be no spoiler alerts here.

All the questions of origin aside, this particular piece is considered a novelty biker patch. It doesn't associate the wearer with any particular group or philosophy. You might say it's just for fun. It makes a terrific addition to any biker vest or jacket that seems a little bare.

In terms of style, it's as simple as you get. You get a black circle that measures 3 inches in diameter. Both the lettering and six shooters are embroidered in white thread; they stand out very well against the background.

You can tell the embroidery here is top-notch just by looking at the piece. Overall, this patch offers the same quality as every other biker patch in our inventory. Affix it to your jacket or vest and wear it proudly. You will get many years of reliable service from it.

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High Maintenance Patch

Do you consider yourself a high maintenance person? If so, we have the perfect biker patch for you. It really needs no explanation. It simply states that you are who you are, whether anyone else likes it or not. So what do you think of the High Maintenance patch?

To some people, being high maintenance is good. It means you have high standards and you're not willing to compromise. It means you know what you want and are willing to go get it. Seen in that light, there's nothing wrong with being high maintenance. But there are other ways to look at it.

Some people see being high maintenance as a liability. It means you are too fussy and demanding. It might mean you're too emotional or that you display negative emotions more than you should. Being high maintenance makes you hard to get along with.

We are not saying one way or the other. It can mean whatever you want it to mean. Just the fact that you decide to put a High Maintenance biker patch on your vest or jacket tells people to back off and let you define yourself.

At 4 x 1 inch, this is one of the smallest patches in our inventory. But being so small doesn't mean being hard to read. Whoever designed this patch took care of that by combining a black background with white lettering outlined in pink. The pink is sandwiched between black and white, making it really stand out.

If you are thinking this patch isn't really you, wait just a second. Maybe you're not high maintenance. But wouldn't it be fun to freak some people out by putting it on your jacket anyway? Go for it. Just see how people respond to you. That alone might be worth the price of the patch.

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Yellow-Black American Flag Patch

If you've seen one American flag biker patch you seen them all, right? Wrong. We carry patches depicting the traditional red, white, and blue image of the stars and stripes. We also have American flag biker patches with the thin blue line representing police officers. We even have this one: the Yellow-Black American Flag patch.

Do a quick online search on the meaning of this patch and you will find all sorts of crazy explanations about the supposed meaning of the color yellow. But stop and think about it. All the American flag variations you find on biker patches are meant to honor a particular group of people. Blue honors law enforcement. Red honors firefighters.

It turns out the yellow color is a reference to the yellow line on a road that separates the driving lane from the shoulder. As such, the yellow and black American flag honors tow truck operators and roadside assistance workers who risk their lives helping stranded motorists. In some circles, the patches also honor police, ambulance, and tow truck dispatchers.

We know that police work and firefighting are both dangerous. But so is responding to a motorist stranded on the side of a busy freeway. Every year, dozens of tow truck drivers are killed while helping stranded drivers. Hundreds more are injured. Whenever a tow operator stops to help a stranded motorist, they are taking a potentially deadly risk.

If you want to show respect for the men and women who patrol the roads in search of stranded motorists, sew this American flag patch to a piece of your biker clothing. Put it in a prominent place – like over your breast pocket or just underneath your back patch. Make sure it can be seen. America's tow operators deserve nothing less.

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Red and Blue Line Law Enforcement and Firefighter Support American Flag Patch

American flag patches are a mainstay for bikers. You need to have at least one on every piece of biker clothing you wear, right? If not pants and shirts, at least your jackets and vests. Well, we have a couple of variations on the traditional American flag patch, including this one.

The Red and Blue Line Law Enforcement and Firefighter Support American Flag patch combines the traditional stars and stripes with a split blue and red line honoring police officers and firefighters. The split line sits directly underneath the field of stars.

You may be familiar with a similar American flag with a single blue line. That blue line represents law enforcement. This design includes the red line to show support for firefighters. Together, police officers and firefighters risk their lives every day to keep the rest of us safe. They deserve our appreciation and respect.

If you have been looking for a visible way to support first responders as a bike owner and rider, we can think of no better way than to do so than adorning your jackets and vests with biker patches like this one. People notice American flag patches. They pay attention to them, and a patch like this is a reminder of just how important our police officers and firefighters are.

At 3.5 x 2.1 inches, this biker patch is small enough to mount just about anywhere. You know the drill: over one of the breast pockets of a work shirt or denim vest, anywhere on the breast area of a leather jacket or vest, on a baseball cap etc. And as always, affix this patch in place with a sturdy black thread sewn into the border, where it will blend in seamlessly with the embroidery.

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Number 1 USA Vintage Flag and Stars Patch

If you like old or vintage stuff, we havea biker patch that's right up your alley. This one looks like it could have come right out of the 1970s. It definitely looks vintage, that's for sure. It is also a pretty good patch if you want to get your American patriot on.

The Number 1 USA Vintage Flag and Stars patch combines the Stars and Stripes with the classic 'we're number one' concept. Your colors are red, white, blue, and black. But if you look really closely, it looks like all the colors are faded. That's by design. It makes the patch look older.

Look even closer and you'll see distressed areas all over the patch. Though this patch is brand new, the distress makes it look older. The look is similar to what some people do with new wood furniture or floors. They purposely distress the wood to make it look older than it really is.

At any rate, this 2x3 inch patch is obviously taller than it is wide. so where would you attach it? Right off the bat, we're thinking a pocket. A back pocket on a pair of jeans would work. If you have a denim shirt, one of the breast pockets would work as well.

Either arm on a jacket, just below the shoulder, would be suitable. So would the area above either breast pocket on a leather jacket. If none of those locations suit you, maybe sew it to a baseball cap or a bandanna. Use your imagination.

The Number 1 USA Vintage Flag and Stars patch features high quality embroidering in 100% rayon thread along with a twill fabric and a tough plastic backing. Needless to say, this patch is sturdy enough to handle whatever you throw out it.

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2nd Amendment Original Homeland Security Gun Patch

We certainly live in interesting times. Interesting enough to wonder if the Constitution's guaranteed 2nd Amendment rights will eventually be a thing of the past. If you are a 2nd Amendment supporter, we've got a must-have biker patch for you.

The 2nd Amendment Original Homeland Security Gun patch doesn't need a whole lot of description. It speaks for itself. Its shape is circular, and it features a combination black and gray background with black block letters. Dead center is the image of a gun owner's right hand pointing a revolver directly at you.

If this image doesn't get your attention, it's hard to imagine a biker patch that would. Not only is it a sharp looking patch, but the message doesn't mince words. It clearly states the wearer's beliefs in regard to the 2nd Amendment. There is no second guessing this puppy.

The sleeve of your leather biker jacket, right at the shoulder, is one possible location for this patch. It is only 3 inches in diameter, so it would fit on the back pocket of a pair of jeans or the front of a baseball cap. Even the left or right breast of a denim jacket or work shirt would make a good home.

As always, don't take your chances trying to iron this patch in place. Sewing is a much better option. Use your needle and thread to go over the edge of the patch to prevent curling. If you use black thread and keep it tight to the border, you should be able to hide it pretty well.

The 2nd Amendment Original Homeland Security Gun patch is a high-quality product we suspect you'll be proud to wear. If you support America's 2nd Amendment rights, use this patch to make your voice heard.

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