Embroidered Biker Patches Blog

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Look at the size of these Large Rocker Patches

Rocker Patches are sewn on the back of a leather jacket or vest. You would have a center piece patch and add a lower and upper rocker patch to finish it up. It gives it a nice look. There are traditional ways of applying rockers. For example this one here is a lower rocker. Primarily designed to go below your center piece patch. However, I've personally seen some people use them on the upper back of their vests too. Try it out. Place the patches on the back of your vest and see what fits better before deciding to go the traditional route. Today we photographed all our large rocker patches over my hand to show you an idea of what to expect in terms of size. Majority of our rockers measure from 10-12 inches in width, which is a good size patch for the back of any vest. If you are an oversized person wearing a huge vest, remember you don't need to have such a huge patch. In fact a patch more than 12 inches is not a good idea. Your jacket is designed to stretch, sewing a patch too big is going to limit that stretch and make things uncomfortable. So if you are a big guy and you have a big vest, you can still use these patches and there will just be more room left to add more patches to it. You don't need to have a patch to fill up your entire coat. There are always other smaller patches you can add to it. Have a Great Day and RIDE SAFE

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Large Back Patches, Pick your Choice from the Best Biker Patches Collection

Whether you are picking a center piece for your Motorcycle Riding Club or Just for your good old self, there is a variety of embroidered back patches you can pick from at TheCheapPlace. We started the patch business with Biker Patches, It's one thing we know how to make great. RIDE SAFE

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Another Awesome Biker having a good time

This Biker knows what he is doing. Pins make a plain old Biker Vest a heck of a lot more interesting.

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Biker on Main Street with Funny Patches

Bikers are awesome people. The patches they wear, the leather, it makes them a hundred times more interesting then anyone else. RIDE SAFE Bikers, wear your patches, keep it interesting.

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Your Typical Awesome Looking Biker

You do see a lot of Biker Wannabes when hanging out on Main Street but every now and then you come across a cool authentic looking Biker. Here is a Biker with the Coolest Mustache. Non DOT helmet, Check, Riding Glasses, Check. Patches on Vest Check! RIDE SAFE Mr Awesome Looking Biker.

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When was the last time you saw one of these?

Visited back at the place I went to high school after 18 years. Take a look at what I found. I remember excitedly waiting for the game to install. You had to take a disk out and add put the next one. Ohh that noise the disk drive would make when it read those disks. You knew your computer was hard at work then. Definitely was more exciting to play a game back then vs now. Choices weren't as much, you didn't go crazy in an app store trying to figure out what to try next. You just played the same game for months and got real good at it.

Browse Novelty Iron on Patches

How Did your Thanksgiving Turkey look like this year

We oven cooked another Turkey this year for Thanksgiving. My wife Steph says the trick is to know when to take the cover off so the skin cooks beautifully. She did a great job this year. The breasts turned out great, the legs were a little on the tougher side, but if she cooked it any further the breasts would have dried up. How do you take your Turkey at Thanksgiving? I've seen people fry it or even grill it!

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Look at that Aisle, Awesome Job Walmart Employee

Some employees take their work to the heart. And I just had to stop and take a photo of this aisle when I came across it early morning in our neighborhood Walmart. Great Job to the man behind the scenes

Shop Some Large Back Patches, Why Not!