Wholesale Patches of Offensive Sayings, RUDE Patches

You'll find all our offensive patches available for wholesale under this category. If you would like to make a retail purchase visit our main Offensive Patches category.

Fuck Around Find Out Patch

4x1.5 inch as low as $1.25


4x1.5 inch +2 colors as low as $1

FCK Cancer Pink Ribbon Patch

2.75x2 inch +1 colors as low as $1

Fuck Your Feelings Patch

4x1.5 inch as low as $1.25

FAFO Patch

4x1.5 inch +2 colors as low as $1

Dangerous Mother Fucker Patch

3x2.25 inch as low as $1.25

I'm Loving It Patch

3.5x2 inch as low as $1.50

Dilligaf Patch

4x1.5 inch +2 colors as low as $1

420 Club Member Patch

3x1.25 inch as low as $0.75

Yes I Do Bite Patch

3x1.75 inch as low as $1

Classy Bitch Patch

3.5x1.5 inch as low as $1

FCK Cancer White Ribbon Patch

2.75x2 inch +1 colors as low as $1

Zero Fucks Given Patch

4x1.5 inch as low as $1

Suffering From CRS Can't Remember Shit Patch

4x1.75 inch +1 colors as low as $1.25

Vaginaterian Patch

4x1 inch as low as $0.75

I Love Boobies Patch

4x1.5 inch as low as $1

Free Mustache Rides Patch

4x1.5 inch as low as $1.25

FAFO Patch

4x1.5 inch +2 colors as low as $1

My Other Toy Has Tits Patch

4x1.75 inch as low as $1.25

Official Asshole Patch

4x1.75 inch as low as $1

You Are Here Patch

2.25x4 inch as low as $1.50

Abcdefucku Patch

3x1.25 inch as low as $0.75

Crazy Bitch Patch

4x1 inch as low as $0.75

Dilligaf Patch

3.75x1.5 inch +1 size as low as $1

Designated Asshole Patch

4x1 inch as low as $0.75

Fuck Off We Are Full Patch

4x2.5 inch as low as $1.50

Lollipops To Cocks Patch

3x1.75 inch as low as $1

Fuck It Let's Ride Patch

3.5x1.5 inch as low as $1

Shocker Hand Sign Patch

3.25x2.25 inch as low as $1.25

Bootylicious Patch

4x1.5 inch as low as $1.25

You Are No 1 Middle Finger Patch

2.5x3.25 inch as low as $1.25

Show Your Tits Patch

4x1.5 inch as low as $1.25