American Flag Feather Patch

Few symbols resonate with Americans quite like the old Stars & Stripes. There is something about our flag that we can't help but hold near and dear. Whenever we can combine the flag with some sort of embroidered patch design, it's a good thing. A case in point is the American Flag Feather patch.

Its design displays the Stars & Stripes in the form of a typical bird feather. The patch measures 5 x 1.3 inches, making it slightly longer than our normal, rectangular patches. It's still small enough to fit over a breast pocket or on the back pocket of a pair of jeans, but not so small as to make it hard to see.

One of the things we most appreciate about this patch is the color. The well-known red, white, and blue makes the American flag colorful on its own. But compressed in such a small space really makes the color stand out. A black border and a brown stem add some extra contrast as well. This is really a beautiful patch to look at. Our pictures don't do it justice.

American Flag Feather PatchBuy One Now
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