Are you sick of Google Search?

You know we are all stuck in the old ways at times. Especially when it comes to searching something on the internet. Google used to be really cool. Got you the results you were looking for. Although over the years this has changes and gotten really annoying with ads. You type in something you want to find and the first thing is an amazon ad. If I wanted to buy something on amazon I would go to their website. I don't need to google anything that I want to buy on Amazon. Then you have 4 more ads underneath that. Where is all the little guys that made shopping online a bargain. They are not on google anymore. Or they are well hidden around page 10 which noone looks at. Luckily for anyone reading this, today I found a great alternative. It's like the old google with no ads whatsoever. It's 2022 and these guys launched in 2021. I don't know if they will stay this great forever but check it out. Neeva! They are not paying me to advertise you this search engine. I just love it. I tried it for the first time a week ago and the results are exactly what I'm looking for. Developed by ex google engineers, the results are 100% ad free and 100% relevant. Try it and you will probably never use google again. Because they really suck lately.

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