Become a Ladies' Magnet By Riding a Motorcycle

biker-woman-1So, you've tried all of those fancy online dating websites and god-awful local singles' clubs in your town and still can't hook up with a hot broad? The solution to your problem could be to purchase a motorcycle. As you can see in the picture to the right, the sparks literally begin to fly when you're riding on a motorcycle near a member of the opposite sex. Riding a motorcycle will prove 100 times more effective at getting the attention of chicks than any online dating site.

Let's face it, anyone can drive a car (most people, at least), but it takes a real man to hit the road the motorcycle. When you're driving 65+ mph down the highway with nothing but a couple of inches between your feet and the pavement, women will take your for the Bad Boy type. And this turns some switch in their brain that draws them to you. As the old saying goes -- nice guys finish lasts -- holds true. Chicks don't want guys who are constantly asking them how they're feeling or looking to go on romantic picnics in the park; they want a Bad Boy type who's not afraid to hit the road on a motorcycle.

Another reason why motorcycles tend to draw in chicks is because you're more noticeable. Driving in a car with limousine-tinted windows isn't exactly going to get you mush attention from the opposite sex. However, when you're on a motorcycle with the open air in all directions, chicks will naturally see you, which in turn increases your chances of hooking up. You can even go one step further by upgrading your motorcycle with a loud exhaust. The sound of a loud motorcycle exhaust is like music to a woman's ears.

Of course, there are some motorcycle riding techniques that can send chicks away rather than attract them. If you truly want to become a ladies' man, avoid the following:

  • Performing wheelies (downright dumb!)
  • "Look Ma! I'm driving with no hands!"
  • Trying to catch up to a car just to talk to a chick.

Following the tips listed above will help turn your motorcycle into an authentic chick magnet. Whether you're young, old, short or tall, the motorcycle is a universal symbol of Bad Ass, and that alone is guaranteed to draw in members of the opposite sec.

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