Check out Our Iron on Patch Blog for Bikers

When we have news about new patches or Biker Rallies we post them at our blog. Check it out, you might learn something new. And Always, RIDE SAFE!

May we remind you that you'll find patches on our site that you may not like, disagree with or find totally gross. We recommend you just don't buy those patches. At times we get emails from angry customers threatening us, shaming us and telling us they'll never buy from us just because we sell certain patches. You know we realized that there is always going to be someone who doesn't like a certain patch, whether it's a statement or a flag. We are going to keep selling them as long as there are people wanting them. You'll find all sorts of patches at our online patch store. Pro Cop, Anti Cop, Liberal, Republican, Southern, Northern we have them at our store because people want them. Please quit following the ideology that you won't buy from us again just because we sell a Trump Patch, or an Obama Patch. You know you'll find all sorts of patches on Amazon, just because you find something you don't like over there do you stop shopping at Amazon? Come on now if you don't like something, don't buy it, we don't offer it on our site because nobody wants them. Saying Patches are a great way to spread your message, you don't have to agree with the message but please don't tell us not to make them. We love all our customers, whether you are a liberal or a conservative, Black, White or Brown. Just because we sell a certain patch doesn't mean we approve of it, or disapprove of it. We are here to give all our customers great patches that they want. I cannot stress this enough. If you don't like something, just don't buy it. Thank you for taking the time to read this and enjoy browsing thousands of iron on patches at The Cheap Place. We stock everything we sell.

Read the Biker Blog


Added by on February 06, 2022 e
Added by on February 06, 2022 e
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