Boobie love

P3308-I-Love-Boobies-Patch__68690-450x320 What do model train sets and women's breasts have in common? Well, both are intended for children, but it's fathers that always end up playing with them.

They are natures original milk jugs. Mounds of flesh that come in varying shapes and sizes, and can be dressed in an endless array of fabrics and styles.

To you (ladies), they're obviously part of your body, for better or worse. Sometimes you're proud of them, sometimes unhappy and most of you know how to use them to your advantage (at least a little).

To guys, however, breasts are the object of something between strong interest and out-and-out obsession, depending upon the guy (and the set). They men fixate, double-take and lose our trains of thought. They make their eye contact stray during conversation. They make them sigh involuntarily. They make men gawk.

Whether you know them as sweater kittens, fun bags, or whatever other term of endearment, there's no debating that female breasts have a prominent place in our society.

If you love the boobies and wanna show it buy this funny embroidered patch here at TheCheapPlace.

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