Cyber Weekend Deals Are now LIVE

Cyber Weekend Deals Are now LIVE

If you've missed out crazy Black Friday Deals I'm very sorry. They were available all day on Friday, and the savings were HUGE. We broke a record number of sales and would like to THANK YOU ALL who participated. It's going to take us the entire weekend to get all the orders ready to ship out on Monday.

For those that missed Black Friday you still have the Cyber Weekend Deals to save 25-30 Percent on thousands of patches (Unfortunately not everything is on sale anymore, but we do have A LOT of patches that still are on sale.)

Take advantage all weekend long. Come Monday we'll have the traditional Cyber Monday deals, but there will be fewer products on sale. (Anything that we don't have many days of stock of are taken out of sale, so buying this weekend is probably better than buying on Monday when some items will lose their sale prices. Have a Great Weekend. RIDE SAFE

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