Fly on the Wings of Angels

Angel wings zipper pullWell, maybe not fly, but at least keep your jacket zipped up.  This is one of the more feminine zipper pulls, and it looks great on any jacket.  Zipper pulls are usually used to replay broken zippers, but you can put them on your jacket for decoration, as well.  The Angel Wings Zipper Pull is a gorgeous single wing pointed downward.

Angel wings are connected to, naturally, angels, and so their meaning includes religious and divine symbolism.  With wings, angels are able to move quickly around earth and between earth and heaven.  Angels are seen as powerful forces for good who watch over people and do God's work on earth.  Angels and angel wings can mean everything from purity and love to renewal, protection, and perseverance.  Wearing items with angel wings on them can also show a connection to a higher spiritual realm.

The Angel Wings Zipper pull is made from pewter and weighs .23 ounces.  It has a one inch long clasp and is large enough that you can zip up your jacket while wearing your gloves.  If you have a broken zipper on your favorite jacket, you don't have to give it up.  Instead, just add one of these zipper pulls and you can keep wearing that jacket for many more years.

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