Freedom is an important commodity none of us should take for granted. It is also not free. A people must always fight for its freedom for the simple fact that tyranny waits just around the corner. Throughout the years, the men and women who have served in the U.S. military have known this truth all too well.
Many of them have fallen in the line of duty. They have made the ultimate sacrifice. The Freedom Ain't Free – In Memory of Our Fallen iron on patch is dedicated to them. Wearing it is a way to honor them – and our memories of them – in a public way. We encourage you to buy this biker patch and proudly display it on your leathers or denim jacket.
At center are the silhouettes of a soldier's boot, rifle, and helmet. Though reminiscent of WWI, the imagery easily applies to any period of active combat duty our soldiers have faced. Their love of America and its flag is displayed on the patch via a stars and stripes background. Around the perimeter of the patch is white lettering reminding us to remember those who have fallen and ever be vigilant about the fact that freedom isn't free.
Most of our other smaller patches are rectangular in shape. This one being circular, it's bound to stand out on your jacket or vest. For extra effect, affix it to the left breast where it will be closest to your heart. You will be reminded of the fallen soldier's sacrifice every time you look down and see it.
The Freedom Ain't Free – In Memory of Our Fallen iron-on patch is a high-quality piece that deserves a place alongside all the rest of your biker patches.
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