If you want to find out about the probability of getting hit with hurricane force winds click on the image to go directly to National Hurricane Centers Website. That's your best intel. I recommend everyone to quit watching the news. The Danger is Real, but Fear is a Choice. I guarantee you are going to be stressing and panicking if you keep watching the news. Follow the National Hurricane Center every few hours to check for changes in Eye Path. Prayers for the West Coast of Florida. Our chances of seeing hurricane force winds is about 20% at the moment here in Daytona Beach. Stay Safe Everyone and Do not watch the news. You just might die of a panic attack if you keep watching those weathermen! If you live in a trailer home I recommend seeking shelter. If you are on the west coast I recommend driving up north! If your home insurance hurricane deductible is 10% of your homes value, I recommend seeking shelter. If it's a $500 deductible then chances are your home is built to survive this thing.
Stay Safe Everyone.
PS: The link doesn't seem to work directly. Just google NHC. go to the nhc.noaa.gov website. Click on Irma. Then click on Wind Speed Probability, Don't Panic at what you see, You must click on "Hurricane Wind Speed Probabilities" to see a more friendly probability. The entire state isn't going to get hurricane speeds. Keep an eye on this every few hours to see if you need to run from it or take better shelter.