Net neutrality is becoming a growing concern for us here at Ivamis Trading. If the repeal passes, the future of the internet is at stake. Right now, we have the freedom to access any public site, regardless of it's company or internet service provider. But once network neutrality dies, the internet won't be so public anymore, you will have to pay for broadband similar to how we pay for cable or satellite television, in bundle packages. The cons consist of paying for broadband sites that you will never use, similar to paying for television packages where several channels aren't even viewed. Just like AT&T and Verizon, there will only be certain packages to chose from, probably packages that favor the chosen internet service provider, they will display content that favor their company.
For instance, small business websites will have to be negotiated through one of the service providers to display it's content with the service they provide. It won't be as easy as just using search engines like google or yahoo to access the information or online business like it is now. Additionally, internet tolls may be enforced to access particular websites, domains, to send iMessages or even use Facetime on your iPhones. As of right now, most of us only worry about how much data we're using on our phone, but pretty soon we will also have to worry about what kind of internet we use. It is far to soon to lay foundation about the structure of the internet, but changes will be experienced sooner than people think. The first sign of this change will be considerably slow internet interaction. Net neutrality definitely has it's pros and cons, but it's not looking so good for consumers.
Hope everyone has a great weekend, RIDE SAFE