Random Acts Of WHAT?

Having recently been directly involved with the folks in New York and New Jersey in the aftermath of Super storm Sandy has stirred the soul of a friend of mine in North Carolina. I got a message from her with a challenge to perform one random act of kindness a day for one month.  I must admit when I first read it I kept right on working and enjoying my day without missing a beat, digging the busy pace. (Yes, I enjoy work, thank you very much.) I am a little corny sometimes, and I was listening to Christmas music and something began to tug on my heart. When I look around my surroundings everything indicates that I am so very fortunate and blessed. So you ask, what was the problem? Busyness and comfort I suppose.

Then I realized it couldn't be that hard with twenty fours hours in a day. I began to think about people that I love and don't take the time to call as often as I should. I believe that qualifies for a random act of kindness. Actually anything that brings comfort to another human being should qualify, I can do that. So I shot her a text with the words, "You're On". The first "Random Act of Kindness" is in motion.

So you ask yourself  what can you fit in every day? Let someone out in traffic and smile. Make an extra bologna sandwich when you pack your lunch and toss it to your buddy. (No, you don't need to smile.) Visit a veteran and listen to a war story that you have heard many times... Go see your parents for no reason. Buy some funny patches and provide some laughs.

You will find that it was really worth it to make someone smile, but surprisingly enough the true beneficiary is you.

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