Rebel Flag Patches in all sorts of Colors

Rebel Flag Patches in all sorts of Colors

While many outlets stopped carrying Rebel flag patches to be politically correct we still have them here at TheCheapPlace. Great Quality and comes in all sorts of colors. They are all 3 inches wide, perfect sizes that would fit anywhere! The Confederate Flag is part of American Heritage. You can't erase history. We are not a fan of slavery. We've been carrying the Rebel Flag patches since 2009, before anyone made a big fuss about it. America please understand it's okay to be offended. I bet you over a million people are offended by the Star Spangled Banner, but we sell that too. Opinions are dime a dozen. Please if you don't like something you have the option to not buy it. Just don't deprive others of their rights to wear this patch on their clothing. RIDE SAFE, spread the Southern Heritage. I bet you the South would have stopped slavery if only the North cancelled the debt owed for Slaves. It was a disgusting trade. We are glad it's over.

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