Silver Eagle Embroidered Iron-On Patch

You have seen just about every biker patch under the sun. You have seen so many eagle patches that you can't remember most of them. Well, we invite you to set them aside and take a good look at our Silver Eagle embroidered iron-on patch. At 12 x 12 inches, it is the perfect size for a back patch.

Biker patches come in all sizes and flavors. Images range from skulls to Templar Knights to screaming cougars. But sometimes, all you want is simplicity. You want a single image that speaks your language without getting into a ton of color and visual flair. That is what this patch offers.

There is nothing complicated here. The entire image consists of a hunting eagle ready to snatch its prey. Below you see the outstretched talons while above its wings are guiding it in for the kill. All the while the eagle is vocalizing the hunt. This image is the classic eagle image burned into so many of our memories.

Despite being a monochrome image, a close look at the eagle's embroidery reveals a lot of careful work. The embroidery is superb in every regard. Furthermore, the choice of 100% rayon thread results in a patch that is more than capable of withstanding many years of service on your back.

The most appropriate place to mount this patch is dead center on the back of your jacket or vest, so that the tips of the wings just reach your shoulders. That leaves you room for a rocker up top. You may or may not have room for a bottom rocker, depending on the size of your garment.

If you are looking for an eagle patch that is simple yet powerful, consider this one. It is the quintessential biker patch in every regard.

Silver Eagle Embroidered Iron-On PatchBuy One Now
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