We got another one of those notification of restricted products removal emails from Amazon this week. Turns out they no longer will let us sell these 3 Percenter patches popular amongst conservative citizens. A lot could be said. The right being silenced again, the country being divided like never before. How many cities did Black Lives Matter destroy? Yet their merchandize still gets a pass on Amazon and Ebay. There will always be double standards. We've always taken the approach of making patches that our customers want and we will never yield to outside pressure of discontinuing patches that a group may find offensive. Our policy is, if it offends you, if you don't like it, don't buy it. Just don't tell us what not to sell. Let us know the patches you want and we'll put them out there. Whether you are a liberal or a conservative you both have the right to fight for your interests. We welcome everybody, not just the right or the left.