This is one of the most popular biker patches out there. This saying can be interpreted in many ways but let's focus on the safety perspective of it. It pertains to having a motorcycle on the road that is of course loud and could be heard from quite a distance away, making the other vehicle operators a bit more alert of their surrounding as they drive on knowing their is a motorcyclist around. Not only is this a great seller for our wholesale customers, but its an even better buy. The quality speaks for itself. Walking around during biker rallies and bars during bike week, this is one of the most common saying patch that can be seen bonded or stitched onto biker vests.
This rectangular, embroidered patch can be ironed on or sewn on to jackets and vests. All of our iron on patches come with a plastic backing that melts right onto fabrics with the application of heat. You would fit right into the biker scene with this patch attached to your vest. Ride Safe.