What makes you the expert?

P3637-expert-patch-450x320There are some things that experts do differently: They identify the skills and techniques they need, and focus on improving them every day, doing practical activities and evaluating their progress. They also increase the level of difficulty of these activities as they move forward, always challenging their limits.

The key here is the word 'deliberate'. It is not just to practice, it is not just a matter of spending hours. It is about to practice conscientiously.

True experts who are not passionate about their subjects are rarer than hen's teeth. I'm not saying that there aren't any as there probably are but it's not the best way to go. Who'd want to devote their life to something that they're not passionate about? Who'd want to give thousands of hours to something that they found somewhat dull? Where's the fun in that?

For you experts out there we have the perfect patch for your clothing, or accessories. Simply iron (not to leather) or sew it on and voila! Instant expert status!

And remember, practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect. Or something like that.

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