When You Need to Call Bullshit

Sounds Like Bullshit To Me StickerLooking for some cool Helmet Stickers?  The Cheap Place has you covered.  They've got everything from sayings to flags to hot chicks on an ATV.  One of my favorite saying stickers is the Sounds Like Bullshit To Me Funny Sticker.  It perfectly expresses what I'd love to say to so many people, but you know how it is.  Sometimes you've got to keep your mouth shut to keep the peace.  With this sticker, though, you at least know that some of your buddies realize what you're thinking.  You might even be able to point to the sticker while the other person isn't looking to let everyone know you think he's talking bullshit.

The sticker is printed on a type of vinyl material, not paper, so it actually stretches a bit.  This means it will fit around the curves on your helmet without wrinkling.  It can also stretch over rivets.  The vinyl is also water proof, so even if you're riding in a downpour, this sticker won't peel off your helmet.  While these stickers are designed for helmets, you can put them just about anywhere: stick them on your bike, on your car, on your guitar case, on your binder, just about anywhere you can think of.  Of course, this particular sticker really should be put some place where people will read it!

The Sounds Like Bullshit sticker measures 3.5 inches by one inch and is very readable.  Be sure to add one to your helmet so you can call bullshit on anyone spewing crap your way.

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