Where to find answers to your questions

People say it's hard to start your own business. I disagree the only thing hard about it is finding the desire to do it. It's a long journey, and one that gets more fulfilling as you grow it. But we all have to start somewhere. 8 Years ago I decided I wanted to work from home. If others were doing it selling online through their websites why couldn't I. The first steps were simple. Buy a domain, get a host and upload a blog and a shopping cart to the site. Shopping cart program which makes it easier to add products, price them, group them and a blog program which makes it easier to write articles and have it post on your page automatically. All day long my work was sitting in front of this computer and finding answers to questions I came across as I built my site. You don't know what the question is until you are doing it. And the answer to all your questions can be googled. Don't let the first few paid search results discourage you, search tech forums on google and then ask your questions or search for an answer to your question within the forums you find. The worst thing you can do is email someone a question where you have to wait to hear an answer from one person. Imagine if hundreds of people saw your question, you do that on forums. Pretty much replaces college for you. And costs nothing. Best way to get your answers is finding the right forums. Before you pick a shopping cart, make sure it has a great forum filled with people actively posting on it.

By now you should have your domain and have it hosted with either a shopping cart or a blog setup on it. Let me make one recommendation till next week. Do not, I repeat DO NOT go mass uploading products to your shopping cart. I'll explain why next week, but for now take my word for it. You just started a new website under a new domain. Don't go adding a hundred pages to it overnight by simply adding product pictures and titles. Luckily you have me telling you this. I learnt it the hard way. Uploaded all the products overnight, I got about 3 orders within the hour of adding all the products which was really exciting. There I was thinking ohh cool I'm going to get 3 orders an hour from now on till forever. What wasn't so exciting was the next order that came in was about a month later. Wait till next week and I'll give you more details on it. But till next week don't go mass uploading products.

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