Every now and again a television show or film does such an outstanding job of depicting something fictional that viewers can be led to believe it is real. Such is the case with the FX TV show Sons of Anarchy. The show revolves around a fictional motorcycle club established by two Vietnam veterans in 1967. Their base of operations is the equally-fictional town of Charming, California where the club got its start. The Sons of Anarchy's biggest contribution to Charming is protecting the city from encroaching businesses and illegal activity from other biker clubs.
The depiction of the fictional Sons of Anarchy has been pulled off so well by the program's producers that you can now find motorcycle club patches floating around on the Internet. Obviously, anything official would have to be licensed by the owners of the show. Our question is, would you recognize the patch if you saw it?
The patch is typical biker featuring a grim reaper skeleton holding a crystal ball in one hand and a scythe in the other. The wooden scythe scandal has been conveniently placed with an M-16 rifle to reflect the Vietnam heritage of the club's founders. The patch is all in black and white, giving it an even more ominous look.
We can't say where the show's producers had their embroidered patches made, but we can tell you that custom motorcycle club patches are available from The Cheap Place. All you need is a design and the willingness to order 20 or more pieces and the company will have your patches produced and shipped right to your door.
They obviously can't sell biker club patches resembling the Sons of Anarchy without violating copyright and trademark laws, so don't bother asking. But if you're a member of a club and you're looking for custom club patches, get in touch with The Cheap Place today. They'd be happy to provide you with what you need regardless of whether your club is organized around motorcycles, public service, children's activities, or whatnot.