Write a Product Review and Earn Rewards Points

Write a product review and earn Rewards Points.

Earn 1 point for each word in your review.

Get Started with writing reviews for products you've purchased

You can use your Points towards the purchase of Ivamis Trading Brand Products from our site. A $2.99 patch is 300 points to purchase for free. You can use Rewards points to partially pay for your patches (50 points would knock 50 cents off the purchase price of a qualifying product)

Rewards Points are only awarded for reviews about a product written by actual buyers. Please login to your account, write your review and your points will be awarded to your account as soon as we approve it.

We manually approve each review, please don't try copying and pasting the same phrase over and over expecting to receive points in return. If you write a genuine unique review about a product you bought from us we will honor you 1 point per word written.

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