Bad Ass helmet sticker

CHS-1219-badass-sticker-450x320A person who defines supreme confidance, nearly divine abilty, and a frequent disregard for authority.

Very few badasses live in the current era, but are portrayed frequently in the media.

Dirty Harry is a badass. He has absolutely no loyalty to anyone except his own version of justice. He kills anyone who even bends said rules, and does it without anything even resembling restraint. He is also completely devoid of fear.

Villains can be badass, but it works differently for them. Take Darth Vader, for instance. He is not particularly badass, because he has this complex loyalty thing going on. Oddly enough, evil badasses often come off as strangly aristocratic, as their uncaring actions and dignified personalities combined with the standard perfect grooming and flowing garments of any good archvillan gives them a rather regal aura.

Are you a badass? Buy this super awesome bad ass helmet sticker and slap it on your helmet. Check out our other helmet stickers while you're at it. Have a super duper badass day!

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