Every now and again we run across a funny biker patch that defies explanation. The message displayed on the Zero Fucks Given patch is open to such a wide range of interpretations that there's no possible way we can nail anything down. You're on your own with this one.
If you are the kind of biker who expects your partners to earn it, the message on this patch certainly gets that point across. On the other hand, maybe you are the kind of person that believes in committed monogamy. You don't play around. Well, guess what? This patch works for you, too.
That's one of the things we love about biker patches. They can say whatever you want them to say. Their messages don't have to be black-and-white. At least in terms of meaning. As far as color schemes go, a lot of the smaller biker patches in our inventory are exactly that. White text on a black background.
That's certainly the case with the Zero Fucks Given patch. Block letters make up the bulk of the message. Meanwhile, an unmistakable '0' with a slash through it can't be missed. It's almost like the zero is slapping you in the face and daring you to question its legitimacy.
Where should you put this patch? That's up to you. Given its message, the back pocket on your favorite pair of jeans seems like a nice move – especially if you've got the kind of booty that makes people wonder.
One thing we can say is that needle and thread is your best bet for attaching biker patches of any size. A lot of the smaller patches can probably be glued on with a hot iron, but why take the chance of damaging your leather or denim? Sewing is easy enough to do.