Blame it on the Guns, But Cars are okay right?

On Valentine's Day February 14th 2018. 17 people died, mostly children, in the hands of a psychopath who was able to obtain guns with ease. It's tragic, it sucks, as a father of 2 small children I think about it every day when I drop them off at school. But I'm not sitting here blaming AR15's! Enough is enough! This is not a gun problem, it's a society problem. We don't go blaming Cars for the thousands of deaths caused by their drivers do we! Why not! Let's take a look at some numbers shall we.

Straight out of the website. I'm not making this number out of a hat or some illegitimate online source. This is the Government giving the stats!

In 2015, 10,265 people died in alcohol-impaired driving crashes. And 1,132 of them were children under 14 years of age. You think any of those deaths are any easier on the parents than the school shootings? No one is talking about banning cars or even passing legislation to smack down on people texting and driving.

Driving a car is a privilege. Owning a Gun is a Right given to us by the Constitution! Cars and Guns can both be deadly. But that's not why we invented them. I own a gun hoping I won't need it, but it sits in a safe next to my bed incase one day I will need it to defend myself and my family. The comfort of knowing that I have the means to protect myself from an intruder is NOT something I am willing to give up.

We have a society problem, people turning insane and acting out is becoming more common. You need a driver's license to drive a vehicle. I believe you should need a license to possess a gun too. A license that has to be renewed as often as needed. A psychological evaluation to determine whether you value life enough to not use your weapon unless attacked.

Until we fix the problem with our society we need to make sure our children get the same protection the US Congress gets. Solution isn't arming teachers. Solution is providing proper security. I can't imagine a shooter being able to walk in to the United States Congress to carry out the same act. It wouldn't be possible. We go to the airport we pass through security. Why don't we do the same at our schools and malls?

I expect more shootings to happen in the future if we don't take action to fix our society. A society that values life less and less is the problem. If you feel the guns are the problem and you want to take them away, then you have a fight that's coming. Those who would give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety DESERVE NEITHER LIBERTY NOR SAFETY. Ben Franklin said that. The Right of the People to Bear Arms Shall Not Be Infringed. The 2nd Amendment Says that! You are a fool if you think we should get rid of our rights to bear arms.

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