Introducing Add All to Cart Button

We added another convenience for our wholesale shoppers to place an order. The Add All To Cart Button can be found on the filters line of category pages (Or at the bottom of the last product on mobile pages). When you press add all to cart, it will add all the products in the category you are viewing. If there is more than 100 products in the category it will ask you to add the top 100 or more to your cart. It will show how many different styles there are in the category you are viewing and you can edit the number to add as many of the top products in that category to your cart. You will also be asked how many of each patch you want to add to your cart.

We hope this will be a great time saver for all of our wholesale customers. You can view a category, select "not purchased" filter to see patches you haven't yet bought from us, click add all to cart and fill up a cart with as many products as you like with a few mouse clicks.

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