We are Prepared to handle this Virus

We are Ready for it! Just about every company you've bought something from have been emailing you letting you know what they are doing to prevent the spreading of Covid 19. (Aka Corona Virus Disease 2019). First off we are just two guys at the shop! Matt and Hank. Neither of us are showing any symptoms of the disease. We wash our hands every 30 minutes. We wear masks as a precaution and we are open as usual! We do not accept visitors to our shop, all our inventory is delivered by mail these days. The virus is known to stay alive on soft surfaces for a day. When you receive your package from us there will be no danger of catching anything from the inside contents, however your package gets handled by a bunch of mailmen. We recommend you rip open your package and dump the inside contents on a table, throw away the package and wash your hands before touching the contents. That's how I've been opening up all my mail recently. We wish you all to stay safe and ride this out. The virus happens to be deadly for 1 out of a 100 people. The media makes it sound like 5 or 10 out of a 100 people die but you must count in the fact that is confirmed cases vs fatalities. There are many people who have very mild symptoms and they don't even know they had the virus and they are not counted as confirmed cases making this virus sound more deadlier than it is. Do you part stay home and wash your hands often! From The Cheap Place family we wish you health and patience during these hard times.

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