A Different Kind of Eagle

All American Biker Girl PatchSome Eagle Patches are pretty standard: there's a big, huge eagle on them!  I mean, when you're looking for a patch with an eagle on it, that's pretty much what you expect to see, right?  Sure, some have the American flag in the background or feature only a large bald eagle head, but the bottom line is that somewhere on the patch, you'll see a traditional eagle.  That's not so with the All American Biker Girl Patch with Crystals.  Yes, it has an eagle on it, but it's not your usual.  In fact, at first glance it doesn't even look like an eagle.

This bird is made out of crystals and sold tan lines.  It's very artistic and stylized.  At first glance, the patch is just a lot of curly lines with small decorative crystals on it.  However, if you look closely, you'll see that the lines actually form wings and an eagle's head (the most obvious part of the eagle).  Across the center of the patch is an 'All American Biker Girl' banner.  It could be described as a tribal art design or an abstract image of an eagle.

This is actually a fairly large patch.  It measures eight inches wide and four inches high, so you'll probably want to put it on the back of a jacket or vest.  It's also, obviously, aimed at lady bikers.  Sure, a guy could wear it, but he might get some odd looks at having a patch with 'biker girl' on it on his jacket!

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