A Great Patch for the Gipper

Ronald Reagan Said PatchOkay - I think I have found my new favorite patch at The Cheap Place. Take a look a few pages into the Patriotic Patches section and you'll see the white and black Ronald Reagan Said patch. It's a 3.5-inch square which includes a quote from Reagan as well as an American flag. As far as I'm concerned, it is tops on my list. Why, you ask?

I've been following American politics since the days of "Tricky" Dick Nixon back in the '70s. When I was old enough to really grasp politics I undertook a study of U.S. presidents, and as far as I'm concerned, if Ronald Reagan was not the best, strongest, and most influential president in American history, he can be ranked second only to George Washington himself.

Mr. Reagan had a profound and undying faith in the people of this country to live their lives and manage their own affairs without government interference. He believed big government was a threat to freedom and did what he could to limit Washington DC.

I love of this patch so much I may buy a couple dozen and start including them with birthday and Christmas gifts. This one deserves a prominent place where everyone's going to see it - just to remind them of this great man and what he believed. If you agree, why not sew one to your jacket or hat? Join me in reminding the American people of the Reagan legacy before it's forgotten.

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