A Patch for Ex-Presidents

ex-president patchMany motorcycle clubs elect officers to run the club and help organize events.  These officers usually include a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and several other officers.  Because the club is led by the president, many set up a rotation for the top positions.  The vice-president also serves as the president-elect.  Once elected, he or she serves for a set number of years.  Then they become the president.  Often, the president then assumes the office of immediate past president.

This officer may be allowed to wear an ex-president patch.  This patch denotes that they once held the club leadership.  Sometimes, the immediate past president wears this patch, while other times, it can be worn by anyone who has been president.  In small clubs, of course, this can mean that eventually more members than not have an ex-president patch on their jackets!  This particular patch is in yellow, but it also comes in red and white.

The immediate past president still serves on the executive committee and has some input on the major decisions of the club.  They attend all of the officer's meetings and are active in most if not all of the club's events.  If they are simply an ex-president, they often do not have that many responsibilities.  However, even though they're no longer on the executive board, the fact that they have served as president obviously shows that they're very active in the club and will probably want to continue attending events even after they leave office.

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