A Patch for Masons

Have you ever seen a motorcycle rider with a patch featuring what looks like a square edge ruler, a math compass, and a large letter G?  If so, you've seen a member of the Masons.  This Mason Sign Patch is one way members can recognize and meet each other.  The Masons, sometimes called by their formal name of the Freemasons or the Masonic Lodge, is a fraternal organization that has existed since at least the 14th century.  While the original Masons were actual stonemasons and the Masonic Lodge was basically their union, today the group is simply a brotherhood.  The Masons are open to men only, although there are related organizations such as the Order of the Eastern Star that accepts women who are related to a Master Mason.

Mason Sign PatchMasons are organized into Lodges.  Usually, local lodges are a part of a Grand Lodge, the governing body for all masons in one region.  However, that's as far as the organization goes ? there is no national or international Grand Lodge.  Each region is independent from the others, and some Grand Lodges do not recognize other Grand Lodges.  Each Lodge holds regular meetings, collects dues to finance the Lodge, and more.

When a man joins a Lodge, he is considered an Entered Apprentice.  Later, through showing dedication to the Masons and his Lodge, he may advance to Fellow Craft and, eventually, Master Mason.  These ranks are common to most Lodges.  Others may have more ranks or call them something different.  Lodges that use the Scottish Rite describe members by degree, a member might be a 30th degree Mason, for example.

Bikers may especially be interested in Lodges like the Freemasons RC, a Mason motorcycle-riding club that combines biking with Freemasonry.

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