I love browsing through the Funny Patches at The Cheap Place - they give me a good laugh every time. The one that really got me going today was the If All Else Fails Lower Your Standards patch. This 4" rectangular patch is a subtle and humorous reminder that I need to not take myself so seriously. I could see sewing one of these to a ball cap and reminding everyone else not take themselves so seriously either.
They say that the best humor is based on element of truth; I would agree. What makes so many of the funny patches on this site so humorous is the fact that most of us have had the very same thoughts at one time or another. This patch talking about lowering our standards is no exception. Sometimes we have such high standards that we can't cope with the fact that other people don't perform up to our expectations. Does that mean we compromise who are and what we believe? No, it simply means that we chill out and come to grips with the fact that nobody else is like us.
If we all did this we would see a lot less disagreement and fighting in the world. So I think this patch sends a great message and deserves as much play as possible. If you don't agree, and all else fails, you could try lowering your standards as well.