A Patch for Second Amendment Supporters

2nd Amendment Skull 1789 Large PatchLately, it seems like guns and gun control proponents are in the news every day.  Any time someone does something even remotely bad with a gun, there are people calling for guns to be banned or taken away from normal, law-abiding citizens.  People have a right to be able to defend themselves, and in today's world, that means having a gun.  If you're a proud defender of our Second Amendment rights, shout it to the rooftops!  Wear this 2nd Amendment Skull 1789 Patch on the back of your jacket or vest to get people's attention.  It's in the Skull Patches section of The Cheap Place along with some other really amazing motorcycle patches.

This patch features a skull with two guns under it in the middle of a circle.  It's something of an odd emblem, what does the skull mean, anyway?  Maybe it's the remains of that intruder you stopped from hurting you or stealing your stuff! There are bullets on either side of the patch, and the words '2nd Amendement' across the top.  The year of 1789 is the year the Bill of Rights, which includes the 2nd Amendment, was passed into law.  The words 'Shall not be infringed' are from the amendment itself, which states that the citizens, right to bear arms shall not be infringed upon.

This is a large back patch that measures ten inches across.  It's a perfect circle.  The skull, guns, and letters are embroidered in white on a black patch.  You can add this patch to any type of material, but how you go about doing so depends on the material itself.  If you're putting it on leather or nylon, you can't use the iron on plastic backing.  The heat from the iron used to melt the plastic damages the leather.  Instead, you'll have to sew it on.

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