I selected the Virgo patch from the Zodiac Signs Patches for today's post. First of all, these patches are somewhat new in terms of being available at The Cheap Place. Secondly this particular one speaks to my astrological confusion when it comes to the signs of the zodiac. You see, I was born on August 23, 1965.
Depending on who you ask, I am either a Virgo or a Leo. Unfortunately there is no definitive classification in my case because a Leo ends August 23 and Virgo starts August 23. As you can see, I'm astrologically confused. Worse yet I don't even know whether or not I'm a baby boomer. Some anthropologists claim 1965 was the last year of the baby boom while others say 1965 was the first year of the post-baby boom generation. So am I a boomer or not? Am I a Leo or a Virgo? Am I a Leo baby boomer or a Virgo post-boomer? What a dilemma.
Anyway, if the zodiac and astrology are your thing, these patches are probably right up your alley. The tribal art work makes them look significantly updated from the traditional images we tend to see on the zodiac. And being that they are white embroidery against a black background they would look good sewn to just about any piece of material. As for me, I'm thinking about getting two: Leo on the left shoulder and Virgo on the right. That way, everyone can be confused.