A Patch Not Confined to Bikers

Dont follow me Im lost too patchI found a great patch in the Biker Sayings category today that should not be limited just to bikers. It's the Don't Follow Me I'm Lost Too patch; a piece that pretty accurately describes a good number of the drivers where I live. Just so you know, I am a resident of upstate New York. S state where people cannot drive and breathe at the same time. Here we have too many people who simply put the key in the ignition, turn on the engine, and hope for the best.

I kid you not - you can be driving down the expressway here and suddenly find yourself trapped in a bumper-to-bumper logjam that goes on for miles, only to find when you reach the other end that there's nothing there. Seriously! In upstate New York we have traffic jams for no other reason than the fact that we can.

So anyway, this is a great patch to sew on your leathers or a denim jacket. It would also be really cool on the back of your seat, on a saddlebag, or even the back of your helmet. If you don't think it's big enough for other people to see you can attach it to a piece of clothing and then order a customized bumper sticker which says the same thing. Plaster that puppy on the back of your bike, or your car during the winter, and you'll be keeping it real, man... keeping it real.

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