A Patch that Supports Bilingualism

A  Patch that Supports BilingualismI may get myself into trouble with this post but I think I'll take my chances. Today I'm writing on the Speak English or Just Learn It patch. You can find in the Patriotic Patches section if you want to see it yourself. It's a simple black-and-white patch, only 4" x 1.75", yet even something this small can spark outrage among some members of our politically correct society.

This patch is both funny and serious at the same time. Funny in the sense that there are millions of immigrants coming to the U.S. who add their own unique and sometimes humorous flavor to the English language. But serious in that we are spending tens of millions of dollars every year trying to accommodate different languages. Rather than accommodating them, we ought to be teaching English.

Now, before you accuse me of racism, consider the fact that most of the rest of the world is learning English because it is the language of the global economy. In China for instance, their children must now learn in English from their earliest days. It's not that English is superior to everything else, it's just that it's the language of the business world.

So, if you love to tweak the left while at the same time decorating your biker stuff, sew or glue one of these patches to your favorite piece of gear and let 'em have it. It could be fun. That is...as long as they can read it!

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