A Rocker for Puerto Rico

A Rocker for Puerto RicoSo...The Cheap Place has a category called State Patches, which is just a collection of rockers bearing the individual state names. I found the Puerto Rico patch in this collection, which made me chuckle a little bit. Not that I have anything against Puerto Rico or her citizens, and I understand that the people who put a website together needed to put this patch somewhere, but Puerto Rico isn't a U.S. state. Rather, it's a territory which enjoys the protection of the United States while maintaining its own sovereignty.

There are two things about this that make me chuckle. The first thing being that statehood for Puerto Rico has been debated ever since I was a little boy. Every time they vote on the issue they overwhelmingly turn down the opportunity to become a state. And I'm cool with that. I just don't understand why the federal government keeps bringing it up when the people of Puerto Rico have so clearly demonstrated they want none of it. It's just another attempt by Washington to expand its control.

The other reason it made me chuckle is because my first thought regarding these rockers is that you would collect them as you travel to the various states. Now, upon further thought I realize that's probably not true, but if it were, you can't ride your bike to Puerto Rico. Motorcycles and ocean water don't get along all that well.

Oh well...I thought it was funny.

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