Afghanistan Vets Deserve their own Patches

I remember picking up a newspaper one December afternoon in 1979, to see the headline declaring that the former Soviet Union had invaded Afghanistan. I read the story while hoping the Afghani military would be able to hold out. I didn't think they would, but to my surprise, the Soviets quickly got bogged down in the rugged terrain and were left virtually powerless. Ten years later they withdrew after accomplishing nothing.

The U.S. and her allies invaded Afghanistan in 2001. We went in motivated by objectives opposite those of the Soviet Union, yet we are showing only slightly better results nine years into it. While this isn't the proper forum to discuss the merits of the war, it is a good place to show support for our troops. Of all the wars our men and women have fought in, this is perhaps the most frustrating of all. Afghanistan veterans deserve our respect in many ways. For example, if we're making and wearing patches for Vietnam, Iraq, Korea, and WWII vets, Afghanistan vets are just as deserving of their own patches.

They are fighting a war where the enemy is almost completely unidentifiable. There are no uniforms like the Germans, North Koreans, or North Vietnamese wore. And the practice of using civilians as human shields and bomb carriers, introduced to modern warfare in Vietnam, has been elevated to an art form in Afghanistan. Every time a U.S. soldier prepares to meet a stranger coming down the road, he has to be concerned for his own safety. Add to that the rough terrain and all the mountains and caves for the enemy to hide in, and it must be tough sledding.


Well, has a selection of Afghanistan Vet patches to get started with. They have two rocker patches that look pretty cool, though my preference is the 10" gold and green rocker with the upward arch. I think that would look incredible on the back of a black leather vest or a combat jacket. One thing's for sure, with that rocker on your back there would be no question that you proudly served your country during the war.

If you've been decorated for your service in Afghanistan, you probably don't wear your medals out in public. But an Afghanistan Purple Heart patch can take the place of that medal in public, showing us civilians this special award you've received for enduring your wounds on our behalf. Families of those who died as a result of combat injuries may also want a Purple Heart patch to add to their collection of memories.

All war is ugly and hard, that's for sure. I just hope that we don't repeat the mistakes of Vietnam by disrespecting the soldiers of Afghanistan and Iraq. Let the politicians play politics among themselves; we should honor our military men and women regardless. I hope that sixty years down the road there is as much interest in remembering the Afghani as there is in WWII today.

Afghanistan War Veteran Patch

Afghanistan War Veteran Patches

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