Are You a Biker for Life?

Biker for Life PatchWhen some bikers get their first motorcycle and start riding, they think of it as a hobby.  They might even think they'll sell their motorcycle eventually, especially if they get married or have kids.  But then there are those bikers who buy their first motorcycle and realize they're addicted.  They're a biker for the rest of their life!  To these people, riding is a little more than a hobby.  It's their way of dealing with the world.  It's their way of life.  When things get crazy, they can just hop on their bike and go riding for an hour or two to clear their head.

Being a biker for life doesn?t mean you have to dedicate everything to biking or that your whole life revolves around riding.  It just means that riding is more than just a casual hobby that you enjoy for now.  It?s something you?re going to do for as long as you can.  You don?t have to ride everywhere or all the time.  Some people who are dedicated bikers only ride on the weekends.  Some even only get the bike out about once a month.  But they still interested in motorcycles.  They read books about them, join a motorcycle club, and keep up with biker news online.

Want to show that you've become a biker for life?  Just add this Biker for Life Patch to the sleeve of your jacket or the front of your vest.  It's the perfect way to let people know that riding is more than just a hobby to you.

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