Are you a Zombie Sniper?

Zombie Sniper Back Patch Do you ever wish you were in a zombie movie, or perhaps you are in training for the zombie apocalypse?  If you are, you know the future survival of mankind may depend on those who are the most proficient at killing the army of undead creatures out for brains.  A good zombie sniper may make the difference between the survival of your group of ragtag humans and a painful death at the hands of the walking dead!

Zombies are really popular now, which makes things like this large Zombie Sniper Back Patch sought after by any true zombie fan.  It features a really awesome zombie with a crosshairs over it.  It's perfect for fans of shows like The Walking Dead.  You can find it and other awesome patches in the New Patches area right here on The Cheap Place.

What it is about zombies that have made so many people like them?  One reason is that the zombie you see in most horror movies cannot be reasoned with.  They want to eat humans and, because they are mostly mindless, they cannot be convinced not to.  With vampires and even werewolves, the main characters in movies can communicate with them and try to reason with them.  Zombies are usually shown as being unintelligent and relentless, so the heroes have to keep righting or running from them.  The idea of a monster that cannot be reasoned with is pretty frightening.  Then there's the fact that many stories feature people turning into zombies by some form or another.  This usually leads to some of the good guys becoming zombies by the end of the movie, which is also very frightening.  That's why zombie snipers are absolutely necessary!

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