Are you sick of Miley Cyrus? Get rid of her!

P1396-Crazy-Bitch-Patch-450x320If you're sick of people talking about Miley Cyrus, and even more sick of people talking about how people are talking too much about Miley Cyrus, there's finally a Chrome extension for you. A new browser plugin allows you to easily delete Miley from ever being mentioned in your web browser.

The extension, called 'No Cyrus', changes any references to Cyrus or Twerking or wrecking balls with a series of pound signs. Some silly critics would argue that this simply makes mentions of Cyrus more obvious, while others might point out how difficult it might make trying to research renting a wrecking ball for a simple demolition job.

Maybe similar plugins will eventually be developed for things like political opinions ; )

This crazy bitch ladies patch definitely describes her latest antics. I must admit that being a crazy bitch in smaller doses isn't always a bad thing.


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