Are you Stoned or Stupid?

re You Stoned Or Just Stupid PatchMany people use marijuana.  In fact, it is becoming more and more legal to do so.  Medicinal use, as long as you have the required approvals, is fine, and, in Colorado, it's now even legal.  Of course, smoking it does put a person into an interest mood where they find a lot of things hilarious or say things that don't always make sense to people.  While bikers are known more for drinking beer than doing pot, some of them do enjoy a smoke every now and then.  Responsible bikers will not ever ride while under the influence, of course, but some of them might end up coming across as kind of dim.

This motorcycle patch - the Are You Stoned or Just Stupid Patch! asks the great question many ask of pot smokers: are you stoned or just stupid?  Some people are just really stupid.  We can either accept them for their dumb selves and deal with them, or we can walk away and never be around them again.  But with people who are stoned, especially our friends, we do not want to walk away from them.  In fact, if they're using marijuana for medical purposes, we might only be able to see them when they're high because it helps dull the pain.

The amount of stupidity a stoned person displays definitely differs from person to person, too.  Some stoned people are very articulate and just seem more relaxed, while others might be pretty spaced out.  If you love smoking pot and wonder which you are, set up a camera or ask someone not using to video tape you.  You might be surprised!

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