Are you Too Old for Shit?

I'm too old for this shit patchEveryone feels old at some point in their lives, even if they're still relatively young.  But nothing will make you feel as old as doing something that makes your body ache or makes you really notice just how young everyone around you is.  A lot of people do crazy stuff when they're young, but as you get older, you start to realize that you're just too old to do that kind of stuff anymore.  That's what makes it even crazier when you end up doing it anyway!

'I'm too old for this shit!' is a saying that you'll probably hear from your friends as you all get older and older.  Of course, that won't stop you from doing crazy stuff.  In fact, it might even be the reason you do something that most people your age would never do.

On the other hand, if you utter this phrase before doing something, you probably know just how it's going to take its toll on you.  You might wake up feeling really sore in the morning, or you may even pull a muscle or something right then and there.  But hey, at least you'll know that you can still do crazy things, even if you are old!

Want to let all those young riders know you're too old for their shit?  Wear a I'm too old for this shit patch.  You can use it as a great excuse for not going along with their plans or for showing them that age is worth more than youth.

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