Beer Can Bring People Together

While it's something of a stereotype that all bikers drink beer, it is true that many do love a good cold draft every now and then, especially after a long, hot ride on their bike.  There's nothing quite like coming in out of the heat into an air-conditioned bar and ordering up a glass of your favorite frothy beer.  But besides quenching your thirst and cooling you down, there's another reason why some enjoy drinking: it brings people together and can help them make new friends.

My Problem Begins When Im Out Of Beer Patch Many people get together after work, after a ride, or for no reason at all to share a drink and relax.  People get to know their co-workers better by going out after work, while friends can catch up and share news over a drink.  Going out for a drink can even be the start of a relationship.  People often meet in bars and later agree to go out on a date.  But what happens when you run out of beer?  Usually that means that the night is over.

If you're out drinking at a bar, it's more likely the place will close down before they run out of beer.  But if you're having drinks at home and you run out, you may not be able to go out and get more, especially if it's late or on a Sunday.  That's when your problems begin!   If you have experienced this lack of beer before, maybe you should wear the My Problem Begins When I'm out of Beer patch.

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