Being Offended Doesn't Make You Right

Just Because You Are Offended Doesn't Mean You're Right PatchEveryone finds at least one thing offensive.  Some people seem to be offended by everything.  They're offended by politics.  They're offended by certain words.  They're offended by the very existence of some things.  What's even worse is when someone is offended by how someone else is living their lives.  As a biker, you may have come across a few people who seem to be offended that you ride a motorcycle, dress as you do, and enjoy the lifestyle you enjoy.  But it doesn't affect that person at all.  That's why it's important to remember (and to teach your children and anyone else who might be willing to listen) that just because you're offended by something doesn't necessarily mean you're right.

Why do people think this way?  It's hard to really say.  Some grew up with the idea that they're always right.  Maybe their parents didn't teach them to be tolerant, or maybe they just happened to be in one of those little neighborhoods where everyone seems to think and act the same way, so something different seems offensive to them.  Sometimes they just don't realize what they're doing, but some people genuinely find those who are different from them offensive and wrong.  You'll not be able to reason with them at all, so you might as well not even bother.  They will always think they're right because they don't agree with you.

Want to remind people of the lesson that being offended doesn't mean they're right?  Wear this Just Because You Are Offended Doesn't Mean You're Right Patch.

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