Bikers Know Crashing Sucks

Crashing Sucks patchWhen it comes to crashing, all bikers will agree that it absolutely, totally sucks.  Even if they're not really hurt and their bike isn't damaged in any way, it's still no fun at all to crash.  The good news is that most experienced bikers know how to handle a crash so that they walk away from it mostly unhurt.  There will always be that one wreck that turns out much worse than you'd expect it to, but most bikers who have logged some hours on the road know how to handle a wreck.

Once thing to always remember is to wear appropriate riding gear.  Shorts, a thin t-shirt, and no helmet will provide absolutely no protection at all if you end up sliding across the pavement.  Even though it may be really warm out, you should always at least wear jeans, a long-sleeved shirt, and a helmet.  That way, there's a layer of material between you and the street to provide at least some protection against road rash.  Otherwise, you may find yourself leaving some of your skin and blood all over the street, and that's no fun at all.

Another aspect of crashing that many bikers fear is that their motorcycle will be damaged or destroyed.  Fortunately, most crashes only cause cosmetic damage to the bike - broken mirrors, scratched paint, and other issues that may be costly to fix but at least don't leave the bike unable to be driven.

Any crash you can walk away from can be considered fairly good, but you certainly won't want to do it again.  Remind others how horrible a crash can be by wearing a Crashing Sucks patch on your jacket, such as this one with broken wings.

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