It's back to the Saying Patches section for today's Cheap Place blog post. The item I've chosen is that the 4", black and white, Put on Your Big Girl Panties and Deal With It patch - an interesting selection to say the least. If you're wondering why I chose this one for today's post, imagine two otherwise proper ladies having an argument about whatever women argue about. Suddenly, and without warning, one of them screams at the top of her lungs, "Put on your big girl panties...!"
I first saw this patch quite a while ago and I must admit, I was a bit surprised. To begin with, I don't think a man could get away with saying this to a woman and still remain standing upright. But secondly, in all my 45 years I had never heard one woman say this to another. I assumed this might be a popular saying among the biker crowd, because most of what is at The Cheap Place is geared toward them, but I never expected to hear it in mainstream culture.
But lo and behold, I heard it twice this past week! Knowing the women who were having the discussion just made it all the more funny. So ladies, while you're getting out your big girl panties, get out your needle and thread or your iron, and attach one of these beauties to your vest, jacket, jeans, or whatever. Then keep it handy for your next cat fight.